Saturday, February 23, 2013


I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 DAYS WOOT WOOT!!!! Can't believe I made it through 11 days of working in the mornings! It was a long 11 days but having the afternoons off helped! Also creating magical moments helped too! On one of the mornings I have a little girl a mickey sticker and she was soooo excited!! She ran around and was saying mickey, mickey!!!! Made my day and it was a nice finish to the end of the long haul..Also sorry that I have not kept up with my blog, its been crazy and sometimes I'm just at a loss for words. So much happens here and its hard to put those moments into words.... Otherwise life is going well and my bulletin board is filling up with all the little moments I have throughout my Disney Days! My legs are getting stronger,  I'm getting better at my job and I have even started my Disney class!! My Disney class is on Saturdays and it is called Marketing You. Its a great class!!!! The class is meant to help you focus on your life, become aware of your strengths and weakness, how to utilize them, how to act professionally and of course how to market or network yourself!!!! Even though its long, it's helping me think about my long term goals and how to reach them!!!
 Well today I have my day off and.... NEXT WEEK MY GRANDMA AND AUNTS ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just need to get through these next 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT 

P.s Lent is here!!!!! I gave up coke and pizza and some chocolate........(working on the chocolate but working night shift we get unlimited coke and we get pizza so without those it will be a challenge!) Also I encourage those who participate in Lent to give up more than just the physical stuff...Lent is a time for both and I gain so much more when I dig deeper... transcending the physical things in life :) ...anywho Have a great day! 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

4 Days of Freedom...

HAVING FOUR DAYS OFF WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made sure to take full advantage of my days off!!! Two days of parks and two days of relaxing!!!!
Some sweet desert in France!!! 


Magic Kingdom at night <3

Having a great time with an awesome friend! 

Tea Cup Ride!! 

Soda from around the world!!! Italy is the best!!! 

Bell's Castle!!! Magic Kingdom Castle changes color!!! Did not know that!!! 

Animal Kingdom!!! 


HHaving a fun time at Beaches and Cream!! Ice cream!!

So we ordered the Kitchen Sink!!! Its 8 scoops of ice cream, a whole can of whipped cream and all the fixings!!! THey announce it to everyone with the lights on the right!!! So much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wonderful last day off of work!!! Love all these guys!!!!

Unfortunately because of my four days off, I have to work 11 days in a row :/ Ill make it but i'll die..So i'm going to have...' 2 mondays,' '2 tuesdays,' '3 wednesdays,' '2 thursdays' and  '2 fridays'.......if you break it down....GAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAG


Friday, February 8, 2013

One Month Already!!!

Hello Everyone!!!! Sorry its been a while but I'm just having the time of my life!! Things are going great and I'm finally getting the hang of work!!! (After all I Greeted/was at the Podium for three days in a row :p)  Next week is going to get busy so I can't wait to see Kouzzina at full action!!! Oh and guess what?? I found out that Kouzzina by Cat Cora is ranked 3rd of all Table Service at Walt Disney World!!!! Makes me so proud :) Loving being with a great team/family ( I admit that going to work is a struggle but once I'm there its all good :P ) What also is amazing is that I got 4 days off in a row!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA So you WILL see lots of pictures soon!!! Going to fill my days with fun and trying to do everything at the Parks!!! Also my Disney class called Marketing You starts tomorrow and wish me luck!!!!! Talk to you all SOON!!!!! OH AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE BEEN HERE FOR A MONTH ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time flys by so fast and I need to just take in every moment!!!!

Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language." Walt Disney