Friday, December 14, 2012


Hello Everyone! This is a blog dedicated to my days as an Disney Intern. I will be working at Disney World in Orlando, Florida for the Spring College Program as a Full Service Food and Beverage gal. I will try everyday or every other to post about what happened that day at the wonderful world of Disney! I am so excited, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT UNTIL JANUARY!!!! (you will have to get used to my random outbursts of joy sorry but not really sorry :P) I'm so excited about being independent and learning about what it's like in the working world. A little bit about myself, I am the fourth in a family of six, love to sing (singing for 10 years), dance, draw, run and Jesus is so awesome! I am adopted from Luque, Paraguay and have a big lovely heart and i'm the nicest person you will meet! Thanks for reading and subscribing to my blog and "If you can dream it, you can do it." ~ Walt Disney